Friday, January 1, 2010

A good year

As we close the door on 2009, and welcome 2010 (Twenty-ten? Two thousand-ten?), I, like any other nostalgic (and a tad bit dramatic) writer, have found myself reflecting on the past 12 months. At first, I couldn't really think of anything noteworthy that has happened to me in the past year, but after sorting through my (online) photo albums, I realize 2009 was pretty eventful. Allow me to re-cap:

1. Took a leap and moved in with Franny, my best friend from high school (who took a pretty big leap herself and bought a house). Through renovations, barbecues, boys, movie nights, and various other crisises relating to twenty-something women, we have grown closer (if that's possible!). Living with friends isn't always easy, but Franny has made my home more comforting, warm, and full of laughter than I could have ever imagined.

2. Took a job that, initially, was meant to be temporary while I waited for the newspaper business to pick up. Found responsibility, health benefits and most importantly a group of people who feel as close to family as I've ever experienced in the workplace. I've learned that the feeling I can tell my boss about bad dates and family drama is something that's pretty uncommon - something I think I'll hold on to for awhile.

3. Welcomed a new neice into the world, when my girlfriend Angela gave birth to a beautiful baby named Reesah. My god-daughter Mikenah got a sister out of the deal, and I got a brand new baby head to smell, and tiny hands and feet and fingernails to be awed by.

4. Got dressed up and watched as some good friends stood up, linked hands, and told the world how much they love each other. Came THIS close to catching one of the bouquets. Danced my ass off. Drank champagne and ate copious amounts of wedding cake as my eyes filled with tears over the look on both groom's faces as their ladies waltzed down the aisle.

5. Had my first Christmas in my Pop's new house at the lake, which he built from the ground up after knocking down the old cottage. Looked around and marveled at the cathedral ceilings, pine beams, and awesome paint job that every single friend and family member had a hand in. Filled the wood stove with wood and watched the fire while sipping Irish coffee and watching snow fall outside the (newly installed) french doors.

6. Saw my sister Gilly off to the UK for the adventure of a lifetime. Cried most of the way home from the airport like a proud mother dropping her child off at college. Welcomed her back with open arms (mainly because she came bearing British tea and chocolate - but not a hint of an accent!).

7. Felt my knees go weak with fear when I answered a phone call at work letting me know my Dad had suffered a massive heart attack and had to be revived using a defibrulator. Felt my knees go weak with relief when I walked into his hospital room to find him reading an old Beaver magazine and joking around about the hospital food. Felt like the luckiest kid in the world when I walked out of the hospital with my Pop by my side. Didn't even roll my eyes when he complained about my driving.

8. Was overwhelmingly heartbroken last night at the sight of an older man sitting alone at the bar on New Year's Eve. Felt overwhelmingly lucky to be surrounded by some of my best girlfriends. Wanted to wish the old man a Happy New Year, but got lost in the music when the band played Message in a Bottle by the Police. Hugged my friends as tight as possible when the clock struck twelve and a new year began.

And, just in case the above doesn't give you a good enough idea of why my year was so great, here's a video of my 2009.

2009 in photos from Kate McLaren on Vimeo.

Happy New Year. Auld Lang Syne.

Song is "Auld Lang Syne" by Mairi Campbell and Dave Francis

1 comment:

  1. Nice write-up and beautiful slideshow! Happy New Year. Let's talk soon!
